Macdown shell
Macdown shell

We’d been instructed to deliver our creative contribution hot, so as soon as David had whisked the heavy glass baking dish from the oven, we were on the road. While David diced onions, minced garlic, shelled shrimp, chopped jalapenos, and rendered fat from imported Hungarian bacon until it was dense and crispy, I measured half a teaspoon each of salt and pepper. While David handled the shredding of four kinds of cheeses, I managed to get a small carton of whole milk open. In my attempt to open the carton of heavy whipping cream, I’d mangled the top so much that David had to rip it open from the other side. Because we assumed a good portion of the 20-odd challengers were sifting through the same batch of contest winners, David and I decided to take the best bits of the two recipes we liked and then tweak the combo in our own way to avoid any possibility of committing the ultimate party faux pas - bringing the same dish as someone else.ĭespite my being about as adept at cooking as I am at quantum physics, I decided I wanted to assist my man in his cheesy undertaking. The process worked - in the end, we had both narrowed it down to the same two recipes. He reviewed ingredients and procedures I gauged each recipe’s potential by keeping track of which images of the finished product inspired the most salivation. After typing “mac cheese contest winner” in to Google, David came across the link for the national Tillamook Macaroni & Cheese Recipe Contest. Once we’d officially accepted the cheese challenge by RSVP-ing, we set about researching recipes. But as much as I huff and puff while my partner is attending to details, I am often delighted with the fruits of his labor. For the perpetually impatient (i.e., me), such dedication can be crazy-making. Whether adjusting the lighting in our home prior to a friend’s visit or selecting the ideal tone for one of his photographic creations, David does not desist in his efforts until he has convinced himself that he has done his very best. He gets no pleasure from feeling better than anyone else he wasn’t in this for the glory. Unlike me, David is not a competitive person. It didn’t say “Mac and Cheese Party,” it said, “Mac and Cheese Off.” According to the notice, this was a “mac off/mac down,” which meant we really had to bring it. It was not an invitation - it was a challenge.

macdown shell macdown shell

The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.

Macdown shell